2 Ways To Make A Workout Seem Easier

Do you immediately become negative once you see what WOD you’re going to do for the day? Is your first reaction to bitch, complain or you do you instantly begin to fear how it’s going to feel?

Obviously, you can accept that discomfort is going to help you improve, and embrace the suck. But, that strategy might not work for you all the time.

Here are 2 other quick ways to reduce your anxiety, or dread for an upcoming workout that you feel is going to be really uncomfortable and tough.

1. Think of something harder that you’ve done in the past. Maybe you had to lift a heavier weight, maybe it was more reps, a longer time domain, hotter or with tougher competition. Think of an example of something “worse” that you’ve had to do.

2. Think of something harder that you could have to do, but aren’t. You could think of how the workout could be even harder. There could be even more reps, heavier weight, harder environmental conditions, etc. Think about how much worse it could possible be (I use this one a lot and it always makes me feel like what I’m going to do is totally manageable).

The bottom line is, if you keep focusing on how hard it’s going to be, how much it sucks, how you hate the rep scheme, or how you might not be able to get through it…you’re making the workout that much tougher. IF you can change your focus, and continue to try to look at things more positively, you’ll probably do a lot better.

It’s almost never as bad as we think it’s going to be, but we have to remind ourselves that we are capable and that we CAN get through it.


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