Heat Things Up With These Metabolism-boosting Foods

There are lots of superfoods out there that purport to help you feel better, clean toxins out of your body, and help you live a happier life. One of the most underrated ways you can improve your health is by boosting your metabolism.

Metabolism is how humans produce the energy they need to get by. By boosting your metabolism you can achieve greater energy in your day-to-day life, and this can be done just by adding a few foods to your daily diet. Some of these may seem exotic, but plenty more are probably in your kitchen right now.

This Popular Food Deserves the Praise

You’ve probably heard plenty about the avocado, which waited long years for its time in the spotlight. From avocado toast to guacamole to everything in between, this fruit (yes, technically a fruit) is a great way to keep yourself healthy and active.


It has vitamins B3, C, B6, K and also has carnitine, an amino acid that plays a critical role in energy production. Guac might cost extra at your favorite burrito place, but it might be a luxury that’s worth it. It’s filling, tasty, and good for you – what’s not to love?

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