A Quick Method To Improve Perspective

A Quick Method To Improve Perspective

I’ve been using this for a long time, and thinking about this concept for years. As far as I know, I made up the “Zoom In, Zoom Out Approach” because it made sense in my mind. Hopefully I’ll share something here that you can use as well.

Let’s say you start to feel bothered. You start feeling agitated, angry, unsettled, stressed or anxious. You can immediately use a 2 step process that I find immensely helpful.

1) Zoom In: This step is about diving deeper into what’s going on inside of you

a) what exactly are you feeling?

b) why might you be feeling that way?

You can take a quick moment to figure out what’s going on and why it’s affecting you.

2) Zoom Out: After you’ve identified what’s going on and why, you can then bring your thoughts back out to the bigger picture so that you don’t STAY BOTHERED

a) How much does this annoyance or stress matter in the grand scheme of things?

-If it does really matter, decide how can you be proactive and take a step as soon as possible

-If it doesn’t really matter, and you’d rather stay in a good frame of mind, then move on and get back to your purpose.



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