Add This Word To Your Coaching & Self-Talk

Add This Word To Your Coaching & Self-Talk

Have you ever said anything that sounds like one of these statements:

“I can’t do pistols”

“I didn’t finish it under the time cap”

“I couldn’t run as fast as coach wanted me to”

Or, have you coached someone else by saying something like these:

“You didn’t get all 100 pull-ups completed”

“You’re not strong enough to lift that”

“You shouldn’t add extra weight to your bar”

Think about how much better each of those statements would be if we just added the word “yet” to the end of them. Do you think you’d be more encouraged to keep trying, working and reaching for your goals if you knew that your effort would pay off? If you hear yourself, or someone else say something like the examples above, quickly add the word “yet” to the end of the statement.

Encourage yourself and others to think about effort, persistence, positive outlook, and enjoying the journey.

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