Be Careful With Self-Improvement

We get wrapped up in ourselves, worried about improving on the outside and inside. We want to show that we have a special talent, or have accumulated certain possessions. We worry about the image we are projecting, and we are constantly thinking about what we “have” to do to get to the next level.

When others are talking, we are thinking about what we need to do next and what we have to do today. We become absorbed in our workouts, our plan and our goals for ourselves.

We have all been caught there. Some people just spend more time there than others. Make sure that you check yourself because self-absorption is poison.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all about “self-improvement”, but we need to be careful…all of us do. I actually think the best way to improve and help yourself, is to help others.

  • Remember to take the focus off of yourself and put it onto other people. As often as you can, train yourself to think about the goals, desires, hopes and fears of others.
  • Help someone else out, and ask for nothing in return. Be selfless, giving, generous and loving.
  • When you catch yourself thinking about “your stuff”, remember that life is much bigger than you, and consider how you can make an influence on someone else at that moment.

To relieve the anxiety, pressure and focus you put on yourself…simply put your thoughts and energy onto others.


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