How To Help Athletes Get In The Zone

Coaching Tip:

Do you want to help your athletes get in the zone, be on a roll, or feel like they are unstoppable? I hope so.

You know what’s crazy… athletes are “in the zone” when they believe they are “in the zone”. So, as a coach can help your athletes believe that, and therefore your athletes will move better, quicker, and with more perseverance when they might normally stop.

Here’s a way you can do that

  • Simply tell your athletes, “you’re in the zone now, you’re moving smooth and steady” or “damn, now you’re on a roll, you are looking unstoppable” or “there you go, you’ve picked up steam and are cruising now, just keep it going”

Coaching, and encouraging your athletes with those types of statements, will really help them. Often times, athletes will start to tell themselves, whatever they hear their trusted coaches tell them. So, your athletes will hear what you’re saying, repeat it in their own heads, and they’ll begin to pick up momentum and feel “in the zone.”

Try it out! If you can use these lines sporadically and at just the right time, you can make a big difference!


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