How To Remember What’s Important

You have a lot going on in your mind and you have tons of stuff to do. How do you keep yourself on track and make sure that you’re focused on what’s important?

If you want to improve your daily balance and your focus, you have to be able to focus on the important things and let go of all the unhelpful thoughts. If you want to achieve your goals, and feel less stressed, then you gotta keep a positive mindset and stay proactive.

Here are some ways to help you remember what’s important, so that you can stay on track. I’ve included some examples too!

1. Lists: When you think about it, write it down. Try to keep your lists in one place, whether that’s a notepad on your phone’s yellow notepad. I keep all of my notes on my iPhone and I have a handful of very important lists there like; to-do, to-buy, ideas for future posts, places I want to explore, and some other random things.

2. Post-it notes: Leave yourself a little note somewhere where it will impact you. Put a quote, or a reminder on a sticky note and leave it where you will see it.

3. Calendar alerts: Use a calendar and schedule out your days. If you want to do something (even if it’s “take a break”) then put it in your schedule. Structuring your days is key. I swear by my gcal which is synced to my phone and computer and I share it with the people who I spend the most time with.

4. Pictures or quotes: Use an image somewhere that will help you remember what’s important to you, or that will remind you of a goal. I regularly change the background image on my computer to a gorgeous place in nature that I want to travel to.

5. Timers and alarms: Set one of these to remind you to do something, or give yourself a time limit if you’re trying to stay with a certain schedule. If I’m trying to get a project done, I’ll set a timer and make myself focus on only that for a certain period of time with no distractions.

6. Voice notes: If you can’t write it down, or you’re in a rush, record yourself a voice note. I talk to Siri a lot and have her remind me of things at certain times.

7. Social media: Maybe you’re trying to work on something that you can share with your friends and followers on social media.

8. Tell someone: If you keep forgetting, putting it off, or not prioritizing it…then tell someone who cares about you and ask them to remind you, support you or challenge you. I tell people to stay on me about certain tasks and they help hold me accountable

I swear by lists, I think I would go crazy trying to remember everything without writing it down. Plus, I love checking things off lists, or erasing the memo when I’m done with it.

Which of these to you utilize to help keep you on track?

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