How to Use Imagery to Be Extremely Confident

You can use imagery for a ton of different reasons and the more you practice it, the better you will be at controlling your emotions and thoughts.

Here’s a script that you can practice with, to help you feel confident, prepared and ready to crush a WOD.

You just finished your warm-up and you are now just a few minutes away from the start of the WOD/competition…You are mentally and physically ready…You are in an extremely positive state of mind…You know that you have prepared yourself to perform your best…You know that you possess the skills that you need to succeed…You’re positive and you have no worries…You are extremely confident that you can dominate every movement…You feel energized…You are totally focused on the task…You are strong and powerful…You are able to deal with any distractions…Your body is in the optimal state…You can see yourself crushing the WOD and this makes you feel exhilarated and excited…You are present…You take one moment to remember a previous performance, one in which you were outstanding…You are ready to perform your best and push your limits…Every inch of your body is ready…You are focused, confident, prepared and you’ve never felt better…You are ready for anything 


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