Mental Training Program Preview

You asked for it! Here is a preview of 1 of the mental training pieces in the BRAND NEW MENTALITY WOD Online Program!

The general layout of the training pieces is similar to what you see below.  It starts with a reading full of tips, then you go into a drill or exercise for you to do, and I often leave you with some other bonus content, like an MP3 download


Before, and during workouts you may find yourself feeling negative, stressed, or upset. It’s likely that what you’re thinking about has a lot to do with how you feel. If you’re focusing on a lot of things out of your control, you won’t find it easy to perform your best.

What you focus on is what you give your energy to. We have limited amounts of energy, so let’s make sure you’re using it wisely on things that matter the most.

Focusing on these things, will not help you perform your best.

Focusing an all you did “wrong” and generalizing. For example, the whole WOD wasn’t TERRIBLE, just because you made a small mistake, or struggled with one movement. Struggling is actually a sign of future flourishing, it means you’re pushing your limits and to be your best, you gotta struggle. You mess up a few times on a few reps, that doesn’t mean that you are horrible or that you’ll never get it right.



A) Which of the above have you found yourself focusing on during your last week of training?

B) The last time you had a “bad workout” was it because you were thinking similar to one of the options above?



Listen to this MP3 to improve your focus. If you like it, save it to your device so that you can listen to it anytime. If you prefer, record your own voice and use that instead!

 “Focus Time” – For when you want to get in the zone & concentrate on what matters most



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