Top 10 Ways To Improve Your OVERALL Mindset

Throughout your daily life, you can improve your mood, attitude, and perspectives. All day long you are given opportunities to learn and you can continue to develop your mind. You can engage in particular activities that will help you stay positive, purposeful, happy, calm, confident and focused. You can use certain thought patterns and perspectives to achieve more success and happiness. The 10 things I’ve listed below will help you improve your general mindset. You can always come back to this list when you’re feeling off and looking for some reminders.

10 Pillars of Mindset Development

1. Take care of your total health (spiritual, mental, physical) – The better your health, the more vibrant your mindset will be. Attend to your mental and spiritual needs, and tune into your whole self. Keep yourself physically fit and healthy so that you can do all the things you want to. Continue to look for ways to learn about how to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Also, regularly seek support, care, and guidance with all parts of your health.

2. Try and learn new things – Make a habit of doing new activities, going to new places, and learning new skills. Intentionally mix up your routines and try something new! Change and newness can be embraced when we continue to realize their value. If we don’t expand our experiences and education, then we won’t grow, improve or evolve. Go experience different lifestyles and environments so you can learn new ideas and methods.

3. Take care of others and your environment – Put time and energy into making someone or something else better. Have the mindset that you want to help, encourage, and inspire each person you interact with however you can. The more we can give our love and gifts to others (while maintaining balance and health), the better. When you give to others, you use your energy in a positive way and leave with new perspectives. Take great care of those around you and practice compassion.

4. Practice gratitude and positivity – Count your blessings, as often as possible. No matter what is going on, or what is wrong, there is always something to be thankful for. Being more grateful helps you be more optimistic, and being more optimistic helps you be more grateful. Speak positively to yourself and others. Practice living in a more thankful and positive state.

5. Spend time rejuvenating and taking downtime – One of the best ways to reduce stress and to stay balanced is to spend time unwinding. Regularly practice doing things that you find relaxing. Prioritize quiet time, meditation or prayer, and reflection. Each day you can make time to chill out, unwind, and let yourself recharge. The less stressed you are, and the better you are at creating balance in your life, the more effective you’ll be.

6. Simplify – Get rid of the unnecessary and the excess. This might mean decluttering your spaces, giving yourself less “to do” and it might mean taking things off your calendar. The less stressed, busy and bogged-down you are, the better you’ll be at staying focused on your purpose. Practice eliminating what you can to make your life easier and more meaningful, so you can free up time and emotional-energy to give to what’s really important.

7. Do things you love and have fun doing – Have some fun as often as you can and spend time doing things you’re passionate about that make you feel more alive. Make sure that you prioritize doing what you love, or it will often get pushed to the side.

8. Explore nature and be outside – Routinely go outside and spend time out in nature. Our world is beautiful, and it feels great to be out in the fresh air. Nature is a reminder of all the beauty in the world, and can often slow us down and restore us. Practice getting outside often, and even doing regular tasks outdoors.

9. Build and maintain strong relationships – Spend quality time with your favorite people and your mood will be enhanced. Communicate and connect with the people you love and who love you back. Share your burdens, practice meaningful conversation, and connect with positive, big-thinking people as often as possible. Practice regularly building and maintaining positive, loving relationships with others and a higher source.

10. Challenge yourself – Push yourself to do things that are uncomfortable, both physically and mentally. We must continue to get outside of our “comfort zones” to be our best. Anything that is challenging for you can also be very rewarding. Most challenges come with some amount of fear, and the only way to overcome that is to go through with it.


No matter who you are, or what journey you’re on, you can continue to practice these 10 suggestions.

Comment below with which ones you’re focused on.


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