What’s Restricting Your Ability To Focus?


What’s restricting your ability to focus? What’s holding you back from feeling like you can concentrate and get in the zone?

Here are 3 things that may be holding you back from having that laser sharp focus

– You may be consumed with thoughts about the “irrelevant.” Like if you’re in the middle of a workout or game thinking about what you’re going to make for dinner, that might be pulling you away from performing the task at hand to the best of your ability. You may also be focusing on all of the distractions around you like what others are doing, the music, other happenings in the environment, which may be keeping you from your plan, purpose and goals. If you have too many things going on at your workplace, gym, or home you can begin by eliminating or reducing what you can. Then come back to thoughts about what you can control and the immediate priority.

– You may feel like it’s “hard to focus” because you aren’t clear about your goals, motivations, and your purpose/why. If your unsure why you’re there, or what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll be easily influenced and affected by others and the environment.

– You might find it tough to focus, because you’re thinking about the past or the future. You may be thinking negative or other unhelpful thoughts about fears, doubts, worries, anxieties. These barriers are keeping you from focusing on what you really want to do, and how you can make that happen. These barriers will never totally go away, but you can absolutely learn how to use them and navigate through them so that you can come out on top. Grab The Build Mental Strength eBook to learn more.


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