What’s The Most Powerful Fuel?

What’s the most powerful fuel in the whole world?


Great athletes have tapped into their deepest desire and use it to help them push through intense competitions and grueling workouts.

Your burning desires are your greatest sources of motivation, energy, strength and power.

The horrible thing is that sometimes anxiety, fear, worry and doubt get in the way of us going after what we really desire.

“Anxiety and desire are two, often conflicting orientations to the unknown. Both are tilted toward the future. Desire implies a willingness, or a need, to engage this unknown, while anxiety suggests a fear of it….There is rarely desire without some associated anxiety: We seem to be wired to have apprehension about that which we cannot control, so in this way, the two are not really complete opposites. But desire gives one a reason to tolerate anxiety and a willingness to push through it.”  Mark Epstein 

  • The first step to overcoming those emotions, is to embrace them. You wouldn’t be having them if you weren’t so passionate and excited about chasing specific passions, desires, results, and goals.
  • Check out this quote to further understand that to get what you really want, you’re going to have to face the uncomfortable. We all do. That’s what makes it all worth it.
  • Focus on your desires, instead of focusing on your fears. Embrace the journey.  Treat the unknown as a fun adventure. Dive in and go for it. Life is too short.

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